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Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 17 Walking away weight


Day 17 Walking away weight

I love the SparkPeople website!   If you don't know about it you should because it is a free resource for those of us looking for information about healthy lifestyle and exercise. You can track your food, exercise and get unlimited resources at your fingertips! 

 I just got one of their newsletters with an article about Finding You Perfect Weight  ... it is a well balanced article that helps you move toward choosing a realistic healthy weight goal.
The following is a direct quote from that article by Dean Anderson Fitness Expert for SparkPeople
"You’re at your ideal body weight when:
  • Your weight isn’t causing (or putting you at risk for) any health problems
  • Your weight doesn't limit you from living the life you want
  • You can accept your body as it is, without feeling uncomfortably self-conscious
  • You can enjoy being in your own skin, without worrying too much about how you compare to others (or cultural ideals)"
We are all unhappy with some aspect of our body and appearance and sometimes that is our only motivation to begin an exercise program or take up a challenge like walk30. I like this assessment of ideal body weight because it steers away from the common problem our society has with unrealistic role models that we see in the media. Dean points out that your ideal weight is much more than a number on a scale.
One of the people in our walking workshop mentioned that she hadn't lost any weight since she began walking with us but she had really noticed that her body was changing and that she was losing inches.  Others have definitely lost weight but you really have to do more than just add walking to your life if you want to make significant reductions in your weight to improve your health.
But as the article from Spark People indicates it is very important to begin with a realistic and healthy goal for yourself that can be fine tuned as you get closer to that goal.
How has walking30 helped you in your fitness and weight loss goals?? I would love to hear from you.
You can email me directly at:
walkonstrong@gmail.com or just leave a comment in the box below.
Walk On Strong! 

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