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Wednesday 15 August 2012

Day 15 Just another walk30

We walked30 with our puppy Annie this evening but this is a picture of our last Newfoundland Terra Nova. We had so many great times with her on our walks.

Day 15 Just another walk30

Today was a busy day and things were hopping around here.  Summer is a time when you have people visiting and sometimes that can make it difficult to do the things that are on your must do list. Fortunately we are blessed with a visit from my sister in-law and she likes to walk!!
It is a blessing because it isn't always easy to convince a visitor to join you on your daily walk30 or to leave them behind because you have made a commitment to yourself to walk30 every day for the month of August.
So if you have managed to stay on track with your daily walks through all the distractions that summer can bring ... good for you! And if you have missed one or two walk30's ... well ... good for you! ... because you could have given up and where would that get you?  Some thing to think about that's for sure.
Where ever your day has taken you ... give yourself a pat on the back ... walk or no walk I think that we need to just appreciate that we keep on trying to be active.
Walk On Strong!

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