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Saturday 27 October 2012

Day 27 Ten minutes can make a difference in your health

Commit to TEN

Day 27 Ten minutes can make a difference

I was at Weight Watchers on Friday and I was there to lead a dance demo and encouage the attendees to dance along with me.  I believe most everyone had a great time as we moved our bodies to the Glee version of Thriller by Michael Jackson.  They are such an amazing group of women and men!
The point of the day was to emphasize the importance of adding even 10 minutes to your usual fitness routine. 
I am a huge proponent of getting out the door for 30 minutes for your daily walk ... but if you are just beginning to try to do a little bit more exercise than nothing the best way to start is to promise yourself just 10 minutes.  The magic of ten is that if you get out the door you will most likely do more and that may well lead to a walk30 at some time in your near future.
I will be writing more about the magic of 10 but for now think about committing to a walk10 for November and the you might be walking 30 in December... who knows??
Walk on Strong!

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